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Lightweight Clay Brick

Lightweight Clay Bricks



Lightweight Clay Brick

Lightweight clay bricks are thermal insulating refractory products made of refractory clay as the main raw material with an Al2O3 content of 30% to 48%.

Description of Lightweight Clay Brick

Surrounding space during heating or cooling. The higher the thermal conductivity of lightweight clay bricks, the faster the temperature propagation speed and the smaller the temperature difference at various locations.
65d2f29yoe 65d2f31n5p

Physical and Chemical Parameters of Light Weight Clay Bricks


Uses of lightweight clay bricks:

Light weight clay bricks are widely used, mainly in thermal equipment and industrial furnace insulation layers. They can be used in areas without strong erosion and scouring by high-temperature molten materials. Some surfaces in direct contact with flames are coated with a refractory coating to reduce erosion by slag and scouring by furnace gas and dust, thereby reducing damage. The working temperature of the product does not exceed the experimental temperature of the reburning line change.

Series product recommendation

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